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Group Workouts at Fitness Directions on Cape Cod


The passion of our community is what sets us apart from the rest. Our members get to participate in seasonal challenges designed to push the levels of your fitness and commitment to the FD community...along with a fun competitive spirit. 

Here are some of our previous CHALLENGES

Planksgiving Challenge at Fitness Direction


This fun photo challenge prompts you to post a plank picture everyday of the month. Each day is associated with a photo challenge and each year they get a little weirder. Our favorite is “Plank behind someone who doesn’t know you’re there” (as pictured). At the end of the month participants are rewarded with

tshirts, cash prizes, and a strong core!

March Madness Challenge at Fitness Direction Falmouth


March Madness has been an evolving challenge for the past decade. The month is packed with fun/specialty classes, pop up events, surprises, and even a flash mob one year! It is our craziest month and makes the notoriously gray month of March on Cape Cod fly by.

Fitness Direction Kentucky Derby Challenge


FD Kentucky Derby is another Myzone challenge. Players are randomly paired up as horse and jockey and race to the finish together. The team who earns the most overall MEPS wins all the cash and the rest of the qualifying teams go into a raffle for the other half of the cash. At the end of the month we don our best Derby hats and announce the winners at our FD Kentucky Derby party!

January MEPS Challenge at Fitness Directions


We kick off each year with our ‘Put your money where your Myzone is’ challenge. Each participant puts $20 in the pot and then earns as many “MEPS” (Myzone Effort Points)

as they can using their Myzone Heart Rate Monitors for the month of January. Each minute you work out earns you a certain number of MEPS depending on the intensity of the exercise. If you meet the year’s qualifications- your name goes into a drawing for the whole pot of cash- last year’s pot was over $1,000!


Serious Fun at Fitness Directions

We love to support our community of Falmouth, MA and collaborate with others. We choose local whenever we can from our products like Atlantic Soap Co., signage from Kiwi Signs, branding from Chipie Design. We host events like Pizza & Pickleball with Kevin Pease School of Tennis & Paul’s Pizza and had pop-ups out front with Cape Cod Flower Truck, Shine Mobile Coffee. We're always interested in collaborating or promoting other small businesses. Contact us to collaborate.

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